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Chosen eggbank become a donor

Be amazing

“Help Create A Miracle. Give the Gift of Life.”

Most of our Intended Parents have been through significant emotional and financial trauma trying to conceive on their own. We see the decision to become an egg donor as one of the most selfless and giving acts. This can be your calling to be part of something bigger than yourself, as this is an experience like no other. Without the help of someone special like you, these intended parents might never have the opportunity to build a family. This is why we want you to know how much we appreciate your generosity and selflessness. Again, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for working with us and for making the dream of becoming a parent a reality for many deserving individuals.

Why Become a Donor?

When you donate your eggs, you are committing to give others a chance at a miracle. It's a beautiful feeling to be able to give someone the gift of parenthood. Every person has the right to be a parent, and families deserve a chance at happiness. We have helped hundreds of people become parents, and we know nothing is more rewarding than seeing the joy on their faces when they invite their children into the world!







Egg donation is a kind and generous act that helps other people create a family. This wouldn’t be possible without you, the donor. With one in six couples in the world affected by infertility problems, you can be proud that you are helping someone overcome these problems and be satisfied that you are making a real difference.​
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Donate Your Eggs 

Egg donation is successful depending on many factors, including

the age and health of the donor, as well as the quality of the

donated eggs, which is why we have established stringent

guidelines to ensure that only high-quality donors are willing to

work with us.

To become a donor, you must:

  • Be between the ages of 18-30

  • Be in excellent physical and emotional health

  • Not abuse drugs (currently or for at least the past 3 years)

  • Do not use nicotine products 

  • Have proportional height and weight

  • Have no criminal history (must be willing to undergo a criminal background check)

  • Be willing to undergo psychological and medical assessments (along with your partner, if relevant)

  • Be willing to provide a complete medical history

  • Have no history of clinically diagnosed depression or other psychiatric disorders

  • Be willing to have repeated blood work and ultrasounds

  • Be willing to take IVF medications (both oral and subcutaneous/intramuscular hormone injections)

  • Be willing to have minimally invasive medical procedures, including gynecological exams, and the egg retrieval procedure

  • Be able to take time off as needed for various appointments and the egg retrieval procedure.

  • Be confident that you will be able to fulfill the egg donation agreement in knowing wholeheartedly that this is the right decision for you

Chosen eggbank jewish donor eggs

Get Started

If you're ready to become an egg donor, the first step is to begin an egg donor application.

Why to Choose to Work with Chosen Egg Bank and The Chosen One Egg Donation Agency

Why to Choose to Work with Chosen Egg Bank and The Chosen One Egg Donation Agency
Why to Choose to Work with Chosen Egg Bank and The Chosen One Egg Donation Agency
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Why to Choose to Work with Chosen Egg Bank and The Chosen One Egg Donation Agency

it is a Safe to Donate my Eggs?
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it is a Safe to Donate my Eggs?

About Chosen One Group
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About Chosen One Group

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