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Jewish Donors frozen eggs
Jewish egg bank

Jewish Egg Bank
Kosher Process: 

“World’s Largest Egg Bank for Jewish Donors”

Here at Chosen Egg Bank, we specialize in providing Jewish donors.
Our egg bank is the largest in the world for Jewish egg donors, and we are the only Egg Bank that employs a kosher process for our donors. We follow a strict process to ensure that a rabbinical court (Bith Din) has tested all our donors, and it is certain that they are Jewish and single.
The donors will undergo a Judaism test by a rabbinical court in California, New York, or Sydney, Australia. After the rabbi approves the donor as Jewish and halakhic single, we will receive a Certificate of Judaism. For this donor, on the day of the retrieval, PUAH Institute will be in the operating room and will oversee the process.

At the moment of freezing the eggs, they will be packed in a special basket and can only be opened by authorized supervisors from the PUAH Institute.

If you want to use Jewish eggs, we give you the peace of mind that the donors are indeed Jewish, single, and have been certified and supervised by a religious organization.


Once you have decided which egg donation program is the right fit for you, we will confirm which donor and medical team will participate. We will coordinate sending the eggs and Puah to your clinic. If fertilization occurs in one of our laboratories, rest assured that the supervision team will be present during the process.

If you or someone you know is looking for a kosher egg donor, we have the perfect place!

How Puah supervision Frozen Egg Bank look like?

What do the rabbis think about a Jewish egg donor from a Halachic point of view?

How does Jewish law define motherhood?

Rabbi Segelman from PUAH:

In Orthodox Judaism, matrilineal descent is practiced, meaning that one is considered Jewish if their mother is Jewish. However, when dealing with complex scenarios involving motherhood, complications arise. It can either involve a genetic mother, where the eggs come from a Jewish woman, or a gestational carrier, who carries the baby but is not biologically related to the genetic mother. When a non-Jewish component is introduced, such as eggs from a non-Jewish mother, it may affect the Jewish status of the baby.

For many people who come to Puah and need an egg donor, we clearly advise them to take a Jewish egg donor because in any situation, no matter how you look at it in terms of the rabbinic controversy, if the donor is the mother or the gestational carrier, in any situation you look at it from a halachic point of view, the baby will be Jewish, the child will not need to be converted. The intended father will also have the mitzvah of פְּרוּ וּרְבוּ (procreate) if the child is not Jewish and he has to undergo conversion, it is very difficult to explain to the father that he does not fulfill the mitzvah of Pru u'rvu (פְּרוּ וּרְבוּ )
because the child has to undergo conversion if the child is Jewish and even if he is not genetically The intended mother, but yes, if a Jewish child is born, he will feel that the mitzvah of Pru u'rvu (פְּרוּ וּרְבוּ) has been fulfilled.

Why do you recommend people take Jewish egg donors?

Rabbi Ulman Beith Din Sydney:

In the Jewish world, the concept of partnership in the fertility process is controversial. There are differing opinions among Halachic scholars. However, in today's world, the question is not whether a couple should pursue fertility treatments but rather how to go about it in the best way possible. Many couples feel desperate to have a child and will try various approaches. Therefore, they need to receive guidance at every step of the process to ensure that the child is born with all the necessary legal and religious status within the Jewish community.

Who is a Jewish? What is the definition of a Jew? How do we know if the donor is Jewish?

Rabbi Ulman Beith Din Sydney:

In the Torah, which was established 3,300+ years ago, it was determined that the definition of a Jew includes individuals who are born to a Jewish mother or those who have undergone a conversion process by Halacha, the Jewish religious law. The definition of an individual as a Jew is a fundamental and significant aspect of the survival of the Jewish nation. This definition holds great importance in Jewish tradition and is considered a key element in preserving the culture and continuity of Jewish life.

Why is it important to check with the Masgeha (supervision) if this is the same donor? 

Rabbi Segelman from PUAH:


PUAH and CEB work together to assure patients that the donor they choose meets their specific needs and preferences, allowing for a smoother journey toward conception. We assured them that the donor they chose is the same person whose eggs will be retrieved, fertilized, and utilized.


With the aid of PUAH, this assurance helps to prevent potential mistakes and misunderstandings throughout the parenthood journey, allowing for a seamless and stress-free experience.

What are you checking when we are sending Jewish donors from all over the world? What is the process and what do we receive once a Jewish donor is approved?

Rabbi Ulman Beith Din Sydney:

The process for a Jewish individual to become a donor involves completing a form, submitting required documents, and participating in an interview, much like the process for a Jewish couple preparing for marriage. However, the process itself is intricate and varies depending on the donor's origin, as each person's process is unique. The organization thoroughly investigates and considers Jewish identity, marital status, and roots. Certification is granted if the individual meets the required criteria.

When we do the retrieval, what do the supervisors do exactly with the eggs? 

Rabbi Segelman from PUAH:

Our Mashkehot plays a vital role in ensuring the integrity of the donor selection process and overseeing the egg retrieval procedure. They verify that the chosen donor aligns with the patient's preferences and has been verified by Beth Din. They are present throughout the process, from the operating room to the laboratory, where the eggs are handled and worked on.

The Mashkehot closely observes the eggs as they are matured, developed, and fertilized, providing additional oversight. After fertilization or when eggs are being prepared for the parents or even egg bank, they are placed in a sealed incubator, often secured with special tape with a PUAH name. The Mashkehot monitors the incubator for the next 7 days, ensuring the tape remains intact. If the tape is lifted, it is a cause for major concern and requires immediate attention from PUAH.

What is Giyore la chumra (conversion)?

What age do you recommend people to do it? 

Rabbi Ulman Beith Din Sydney:

When it comes to converting a child who is born even from a non-Jewish surrogate or egg donor it is a huge argument. According to some opinions, the child needs Giyore la chumra (conversion).

I advise people who do not use a Jewish donor or a Jewish gestational carrier (although I do recommend it) to convert to the wall as soon as possible. I will be happy to explain to them as soon as they contact me.

What is your message to the Intended Parents?

Rabbi Segelman from PUAH:

“Never give up. The resources are available. Chosen Egg Bank group is a resource that is waiting for your phone call. Waiting to help you. PUAH and Chosen Egg Bank group have dealt with cases, some are easy, some are complicated but the care, concern, and dedication that the entire team at CEB has for the couples to make sure they can become parents in a Kosher way to continue the Jewish people is something that PUAH is proud and privileged to be a part of. I wish everyone the best of luck.”

What is your message to the Intended Parents?

Rabbi Ulman Beith Din Sydney:

"Any Jewish couple, no matter what the level of observance is, will come to a point and they have come to make this decision to do any fertility treatment whether it is regular IVF or IVF with partnership such as a surrogate mother or an egg donor, they must consult an expert because the whole desire of this Rabbinical expert is not to make life more difficult but to be able to assist them to make sure it is done according to Halacha. If the parents choose to hide it, it will eventually catch up with them but it may be much more difficult for them to deal with in the future. So it is much easier to do it in the beginning properly than to be able to correct anything properly in the future.

Everything we do is completely confidential and it never happened that anything that came to us was disclosed to anybody else.”

Example of a Donor Beth Din (rabbinical court) Certificate
Egg Donors Jewish Certificate
Rabbi Ulman
Rabbai Ulman
Puah supervision at the lab
Rabbi Segalman
Puah Supervision checking the donor ID before retrieval
Puah Supervision checking the donor ID before retrieval
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